What’s the Main Purpose of Wearing Glasses

What’s the Main Purpose of Wearing Glasses

Seeing clearly and being free from visual obstructions is the main purpose of wearing glasses. If you are in need of eyeglasses or contacts to help you see better and improve your quality of life, then Mountain Eye Care is the place for you! Our team of professional optometrists can get you fitted with a pair of glasses in Hamilton that suit your face shape, style, and your budget! Seeing clearly should not cost you an arm and a leg, and at Mountain Eye Care, we have a massive selection of quality branded frames designed to the highest standards, and very affordable too! Continue reading for more information about glasses in Hamilton at Mountain Eye Care!

Here are a few common signs that may indicate that you are in need of glasses to correct your vision. If you feel like you are experiencing a few to most of these indicators, you can also get an eye exam done at Mountain Eye Care:

Blurred Vision:

If you no longer recognize a friend 10 steps away, or your favorite magazine has become too fuzzy to read up close, you may be developing farsightedness or nearsightedness. If you find it difficult to see objects both near and far, that may be astigmatism, a common condition involving a curvature of the eye lens or cornea.

Difficulty seeing at night:

If your night vision is fading and you can no longer see your dog in the yard or it has become difficult to drive at night, you may be experiencing signs of early cataracts, which should be examined as soon as possible.

Difficulty adjusting from dark to light:

If it takes your eyes longer to adjust after seeing bright lights, it likely means the muscles that help your iris contract and expand are weakening. It’s likely due to age, as are many vision problems. Prescription glasses in Hamilton from Mountain Eye Care can help with this.

Frequent Headaches:

Sometimes the mechanism that helps the cornea and lens focus on images fails, and the small muscles in the eye are forced to work harder. The result is eye strain, which can lead to headaches. When you squint, it can cause headaches, and this may be an indicator that you need glasses.

You can have your eyes tested by our professional optometrists at Mountain Eye Care! Contact us today to set up your eye exam and if it is determined that you can benefit from a new pair of glasses, we can get you fitted!


Some of the brands of glasses that we carry include: Ray Ban, Hugo Boss, Lacoste, BCBG, Michael Kors, Fendi, Puma, and many more!

For more information about glasses in Hamilton at Mountain Eye Care, please feel free to continue browsing through our website. Also, check out our blog for more interesting content! We can be reached at 905-389-4201 or by filling out our contact form.