Low Vision Issues
Low vision is the loss of eyesight that can make completing tasks difficult. It cannot be remedied using conventional vision aid, such as glasses or contact lenses, nor medical surgery or treatment. Millions of Canadians have low vision issues, and we here at Mountain Eye Care want to help. Check out the information below to see how we can aid those with vision impairment.
There are numerous causes for low vision, including genetics and hereditary conditions, eye injury or trauma, Age-related Macular Degeneration, Diabetic Retinopathy, and other eye diseases such as Glaucoma and Cataracts. An estimated 5.59 million Canadians have an eye disease that could lead to sight loss, making annual eye exams are an essential part to vision health. It is important to learn the cause of your low vision in order to get the best help in dealing with it.
Specialized Care
There are vision tools, optical solutions, and electronic devices that can aid in the completion of day to day activities by people with low vision. As the only clinic in Hamilton and the surrounding areas that specializes in helping visually impaired patients, we have the experience and knowledge to provide services that can maximize their remaining vision. These solutions involve the use of low vision aids such as digital magnification devices, corning glasses and telescopes.
Assistive Devices Program
As part of our extensive services and quality customer care, we can help those with low vision access the Assistive Devices Program, which can help to cover 75-100% of the costs for these vision-aid devices. Our staff will help you obtain this funding by providing the necessary paperwork, and submitting it to the government on your behalf, as our facility is the only ADP approved office in the area.
It can take time, patience, and practice to learn how to use these devices thoroughly, and as such, our specialized team is available to help. We can also provide you with information on other helpful resources in the Hamilton area, such as vision rehabilitation services, and other institutions like CNIB, the Canadian National Institute for the Blind.
Get Aid Today
Mountain Eye Care has the facility, means, and specialization to help those with low vision issues get the help they deserve. You can book an appointment with one of our Optometrists today and learn more about the Assistive Devices Program.
Please click here to find our contact information online, or visit us in person.